and the SL component:
This was the third year in a row I attended. Today's events included a show with Cypress Rosewood performing with the Changhigh Trinity Sisters doing their fireshow. I've actually enjoyed Cypress' music since before he was Cypress -- he is Tony Gerber in first life, a member of Spacecraft as well as a solo artist:
The Changhigh Trinity Sisters show is always a treat. If you want a good example of what can be done with building and graphical elements in Second Life integrated into a performing artist's show, check them out.

And here are myself and my friend Rain scoping it all out:

The event centers around the Global Peace Prayer that is played around the world at a synchronized time so that everyone taking part can pray and take in and send out positive energy in whatever way they wish. You can even download the track and play it at your leisure.
Even though it was only an hour (for Cypress' show) and 10 minutes (for the prayer) that I took part, it was the highlight of my day that I looked forward to all week, as well as a reminder that we are all interconnected and how I can be open to the world.
For a more thorough writeup, see this CNN iReport by any1 Gynoid: