Monday, March 7, 2011

UNO Biology Department Second Annual Graduate Research Symposium

Today I took the afternoon off to go visit UNO for the Biology Department's second annual Graduate Research Symposium.

Even though I'm still early in my studies I was able to understand alot of what was talked about. For example, there was some discussion of DNA and RNA and nucleotides, and use of electrophoresis in some of the research and I knew the basics of that from my Biology I class at Metro.

I took a few notes on some things I wanted to look up, that I didn't understand, that I will post here later.

1 comment:

Sid Thunderbird said...

Second Annual Graduate Research Symposium
March 7, 2011, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: 132D CPACS Building (Commons West)

Session 1.

1:00. Arrival and opening.

1:15. Eric Burr (Thesis Advisor: Dr. William Tapprich)
Structural Dynamics of Coxsackievirus B3 Genomic RNA upon Binding of Host Poly (rC) Binding Protein 2.

1:30. Priya Kulkarni (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Paul Davis)
Gene Knockouts Affecting Bradyzoite Stage of Toxoplasma gondii.

1:45. Sarah Orr (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Bruce Chase)
Localized Misexpression of Protein in Sites of Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model for Parkinson’s Disease.

2:00. Melissa Mount (Thesis Advisors: Dr. J. P. McCarty and Dr. L. L. Wolfenbarger)
Effects of Urbanization on the Abundance and Reproductive Success of Native Grassland Birds.

2:15. David Sempek (Thesis Advisor: Dr. James Wilson)
Home Range of Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in Burned vs. Non-burned Grassland.

2:30. Molly McWilliams (Thesis Advisor: Dr. James Wilson)
Home Range, Body Condition, and Survival of Rehabilitated Raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Nebraska.

2:45. Chrissy Rhodes (Thesis Advisor: Dr. James Wilson)
The Effect of Huddling Behavior on Metabolic Rates of the Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans).

3:00. Break

Session 2.

3:15. Bikash Shrestha (Thesis Advisor: Mark A. Schoenbeck)
Identification of the Parasitism Associated Cuscuta pentagona Transcripts by Differential Display.

3:30. Royonna L. Bristol (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Tom Bragg)
Plant Response to a Seventeen-Year Exclusion of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginanus) from Eastern Nebraska Deciduous Forest.

3:45. Lacey LeGrand (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Robert Egan)
Macrolichens of the Big Thicket National Preserve and Surrounding Piney Woods Region of Southeast Texas.

4:00. Ben Beller (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Tom Bragg)
Shark Bay Fire History.

4:15. Alexander J. Anton (Thesis Advisor: James D. Fawcett)
Possible Effects of Increased Corticosterone on Brooding Behavior in the Northern Prairie Skink Plestiodon septentrionalis.

4:30. Chris Effken (Thesis Advisor: Dr. James Wilson)
Climate Change and Altitude: Investigating a Mechanism for Climate Change Displacement.

4:45. Robert Stanton (Thesis Advisor: Dr. Claudia Rauter)
Immunological Costs of Parental Care in Nicrophorus marginatus.

A reception for Biology graduate students, staff and faculty in the Chancellor’s Room, MBSC will follow the symposium.
Graduate students will give a 12-minute oral presentation followed by 3 minutes of questions from the audience.